Home Dogs Science Shows Women Who Sleep With Dogs May Rest Better

Science Shows Women Who Sleep With Dogs May Rest Better


While dogs may be man’s best friend, did you know they are a woman’s best sleeping companion? Although I have always personally believed Fido belongs on your bed, science says I’m right! A study that examined both the quality and routine of women’s sleep in regards to sharing the bed with a dog shows just that.

This study conducted by Kaylee Stutz, Christy Hoffman, and Terrie Vasilopoulos through Canisius College suggest that ladies’ sleeping habits can greatly benefit from letting a dog sleep in bed with them. What’s more, is the research goes on to detail how your pup outranks other bedtime contenders.

Read below to find out the reasons why you
should let the dog sleep in the bed.

Rest Easier For Longer With A Dog At The Bedside

Move over hubby, Fido sleeps here now! If you have a dog and a significant other, it’s probably crossed your mind that you might love one more than the other. I mean, first and foremost one talks back and the other one loves belly rubs for hours (we’re talking about the pup here, girl). Well, here’s another reason to like your canine more than your husband. According to Hoffman et. al, women woke up less during the night with a hound at their side compared to a human. It’s that in comparison to a human, dogs were found to cause less sleep disturbance among other positive findings, says the study. You might want to consider reaching for your little furball before you reach for those sleeping pills, although both can be very addictive.


Pups Make Women Feel Safer When They Snooze


When your pup barks at the door for literally no reason it might be highly annoying; however, it’s only because Fido is trying to keep you safe and secure! Naturally, it makes sense that Hoffman and the company found evidence to support this. Within the responses of the 962 women they surveyed, a reason why dogs led women to sleep easier was that they had the feeling they were more secure, which made them more comfortable versus sans pup. Even without science backing this up, it’s obvious your dog would flex their guard dog capabilities if an intruder dared enter the bedroom.

Dogs Sit And Stay In Bed While Their Human Sleeps

Another key point of the research showed that the sleeping pattern of dogs and humans are similar in the sense that generally both stay in bed once its bedtime. An interview with Hoffman posted on Psychology Today dives deeper into the study’s analysis why women seem to sleep easier next to a dog. She and her colleagues compared both feline and canine sleeping patterns against those of their human owners. What they found is that dogs tend to stay in bed over the course of the night, while cats do not.

Hoffman goes onto say that it might also be the fact that dogs need a schedule, just like most women do. What I mean, is that when your dog needs to go to the bathroom it’s their human that gives them the ability to do so, or face the nasty consequences. The doctor further details that people who have regular schedules where they wake up (to walk the dog) usually have regular sleeping patterns that coincide with it.

So who would win? Dogs, cats, or humans?

One of the most interesting points about the research was that dogs beat both humans and cats in the sleepy time department! Kitties who shared the bed with their owner were said to provide less feelings of comfort and security in comparison to dogs. The same thing was found with just a human in the bed too!

To me this makes total sense because who can match the snuggling abilities of a dog? Unless your bedside babe is as soft and furry as your dog then your pup will remain champion in this department.

Whoever said dog was man’s best friend clearly never read this study! Dog proves women’s best sleeping aid and friend. So the next time your spouse argues that your sweet, fur-child should not get in bed with you, you can scientifically bark back.

Source: Video from Chasing News via YouTube




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