Dog Looking Back

Dog Behavior And The Meanings.
What Did My Dog Just Do?


Whether you are a new dog owner or you’ve had dogs since you were a kid, thee are some strange dog behaviors that may need decryption. Our four-legged buddies are usually well behaved, but there are times when they act out in such weird ways that you do not know what to make of it. Don’t worry, you’re not the only one who needs an explanation for some of the different things that dogs do. The following is a list of different dog behavior and the meanings of these behaviors.

My Dog Went Zoom

My dog just went zooming around the house or yard for no apparent reason. Many pet owners are surprised by the sudden burst of energy that their dog exhibit. Experts believe that this is a result of happiness. Your dog may have gotten excited to see you or was inspired to run around because he thinks you’ll play with him or he just felt refreshed by his bath.

My Dog Ate Grass

So here we were thinking that dogs were carnivores and he goes and eats some grass. We think it’s weird but for them it’s instinctive and something that has been passed down since time immemorial. Dogs are not carnivores and so were their ancestors. In order to survive, early ancestors of dogs had to scavenge and root for food. Some even ate plants as an aid for digestion and as medicine.


My Dog sniffs Other Dog’s Butts


We’ve seen our dogs sniff each other’s rear ends and we thought “Oh, that dog’s poop must smell bad”. Well, we were wrong. Scientific studies have shown that dogs sniff each other’s butts (and also people’s butts, too!) so they can get an understanding of what kind of dog or person you are. It’s sort of like the saying “You are what you eat”.

My Dog Smells Foul

There are times when our dogs tug on the leash, dive into the grass or undergrowth and come out smelling like a year’s worth of dead rodents. This really disgusting and strange behavior is another instinctive behavior passed down from their ancestors. It is the art of masking their hunter smell with an even more overpowering one so that their prey will not discover them on the hunt.

My Dog Just Gave Me a Wink

Have you ever seen your dog give you a wink? Although this is a fairly common behavior among dogs and cats, some pet owners find it strange and wish to decipher the meaning behind it. Our pets usually do this because there is something in their eye. Sometimes when the blinking does not help, they use their paw to “rub” their eye.

My Dog Just Ate Poop

This really disgusting behavior is fairly common among puppies and undernourished dogs. They do this because they instinctively know that they lack some vitamin or mineral which they can smell in the poop. Puppies usually eat their siblings’ or their poop while adult dogs eat other animals poop when they feel out of sorts and want to gain some nutrition.

My Dog Keeps On Shaking His Head

If you notice your dog shaking his head frequently give him a cursory check. Dogs usually shake their heads because they feel that there is something stuck in their ears or their ears feel out of sorts. This can also be a sign of an ear infection or a tick or flea infestation.

My Dog is Sleepwalking

Dogs sometimes exhibit signs of dreaming by whining, moving his feet when asleep, and sometimes barking or growling. More extreme cases show dogs actually standing up or running around and hitting a wall or furniture. While we can never be sure if they really do dream or if the behavior is a manifestation of muscle memory and pent up energy,

My Dog Always Leans On Me

Some dog owners notice their dogs leaning on them on more than one occasion. This very endearing behavior is actually a sign of their trust and affection for you. Experts explain that leaning is also his way of getting comfort from you during stressful or confusing times. At times, it could also be the other way around. Your dog could be trying to comfort you and assure you that he is there when you need him.

My Dog Chews On Wood

This behavior is common for puppies who are in the process of getting their permanent teeth. When your adult dog does this, it could be a sign of anxiety or distress. Some dogs chew on furniture or plants when they feel anxious if their humans are not at home. Separation anxiety is real for animals as well as people so you should find a way to correct this behavior or you will run our of furniture and home.

Watch Video For More Dog Behavior and The Meanings

Source: Video from BRIGHT SIDE via YouTube




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