An interaction to remember


This is how a Golden Retriever saves Koala. Everything started when Golden retriever owner Kerry McKinnon was having a normal afternoon before she was greeted with a heartwarming and sweet site. It was her golden retriever, a breed already renowned for their playful, intelligent and loving personality, snuggled up with a helpless and shivering baby koala. The tiny baby was nestled within Asha’s fur, coiling up for warmth.

Kerry mentioned how her husband yelled out at her to come have a look at something on her porch. Although at-first she had no idea what he was talking about, she then glanced down to see the adorable site of this tiny koala snuggled up on Asha.

The mum-of-three then mentions how she immediately saw the humorous aspect of the situation, when she began to laugh at Asha’s hilarious facial expression. Despite Asha’s visible looks of fear, she soldiered on to protect the poor baby koala, personifying the amazing traits that golden retrievers are known for.


Why did the Baby koala need saving?

Golden Retriever Saves Baby Koala - Koala Looking at The Camera
Source: Image from in Australia

It was a chilly morning out in Strathdownie, Western Victoria. It is likely that the innocent koala had fallen out of it’s mother’s pouch during the night, prompting it to wander onto Kerry’s back porch, finding warmth and comfort in Asha’s golden fur.

With temperatures earlier that day stooping down to 41F, Kerry mentioned that if it weren’t for Asha’s caring and tolerable attitude, keeping it warm and safe from all harm, then it’s likely that the poor koala may have died.

The possibility of a predator coming to take the baby was also a reality, with Kerry mentioning the possibility of a fox seeing it as perfect and easy prey for a quick meal. Evidently, Asha has become quite the hero, receiving multiple forms of praise and thanks online for her amazing actions.

The internet has gone crazy with the Golden Retriever saves baby Koala story. The image has also gone viral on many different social media platforms, contributing to the amount of people giving Kerry words of praise to pass onto her now celebrity dog.

What was the reaction of Kerry?

Golden Retriever Rescue Baby Koala - Golden Retriever Looking at The Camera
Source: Image from in Australia

As mentioned, Kerry immediately found the entire situation humorous, as you would when you go out to find a koala riding your dog like a horse.

She talked about how it made her laugh due to her dog simply allowing this interaction to occur, despite it’s expression of confusion and query. She then got her phone out and snapped a few quick adorable photos for the whole world to enjoy. After the immediate comical reactions, however, Kerry then realized that something needed to be done about the small animal curled up in her confused dog’s warm fur.

She went to separate them, but was stopped by the koala, not wanting to leave its new-found, warm and cuddly friend.

“It wasn’t easy” spoke Kerry on the fact of separating them, due to the koala not wanting to leave the warm fur of Asha and putting up a fuss at the initial separation attempt. Kerry then went on to note that dogs might have a protective instinct within them, which is most likely why the koala didn’t want to leave.

Even after managing to separate the now best-friends, the koala continued to “Hiss and carry on” after being put in a protective warm blanket, a poor substitute it seems to the cosy fur of Asha. Kerry summed up this situation pretty well through mentioning how this situation was so incredibly unique to Australia, and how the koala would have been happy curled up in that warm golden fur all day.


Where is the Baby koala now?

Golden Retriever Takes Care of Baby Koala - Lady Holding Baby Koala
Source: Image from in Australia

Kerry drove to her local vet with the koala, where it is now in a stable condition after being checked up. A koala carer who lives near Kerry is now taking care of this little koala that could, and is being strengthened before its release into the wild.

Before all this can occur however, many more tests need to go underway to make sure the koala is healthy and suitable for release, which could take a large period of time. Of all this, one things for sure.

Asha certainly did an astounding job in nursing this perfect little creature back to health, and she just might be getting a few extra doggy treats tonight!

Dog Saves Baby Koala Bear [Video]

Source: Video from Good News Daily YouTube


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