How it began


The famous Brazilian photographer Sebastiao Salgado and his wife Lelia Deluiz Wanick Salgado has proven that we can literally make a huge difference for our environment. With the help of other people, the couple has planted a total of 2.7 million trees over the span of twenty years or two decades. Through this, they have completely restored the entire forest that was previously wiped out by a tragic deforestation.

Salgado is a world-famous photographer. He has appeared in a lot of press publications and has traveled in a lot of countries to take pictures. Most of his pictures were published in books, journals, etc.

This all began in 1994 when the renowned Brazilian photographer Sebastiao Salgado took over a family land in the Minas Gerais area after he went through a traumatizing assignment reporting on the genocide found in Rwanda. Already feeling devastated about his assignment, he felt much horrible upon finding out that the trees were all cut down and wildfire has swept the forests of his homeland. He remembered this memory of when he was a child, so Salgado and his wife came up with an idea to replant the forest trees.


“The land was sick as I was and everything was destroyed.” – Sebastiao Salgado

Before New Forest
Before Picture

In hopes to restore the forest, Salgado’s family has recruited different partners, raised some funds, and finally in April 1998, they founded Instituto Terra–who’s goal is to transform the environment and return it back to its normal condition.

From the first day of their journey to rebuild the forest, the Instituto Terra has committed to restoring 1,502 acres of land located in Bulcao Farm in Aimores, Minas Gerais, which was renamed as the Private Natural Heritage Reserve (PNHR). The Salgados are no longer the owner of the property since it was now owned by a federally recognized authority that aims to preserve the forest as well as the animals that resides there.

In the month of December in 1999, came forth their first ever mass planting. Then after that, this mass planting has become an annual event with the help and support of various associates. During those times, there were over 290 species of trees and plants that were planted. As a result, the forest was slowly restored back as well as the shrub species living thereby.

The Restoration

After New Forest
After Picture

The two decades of restoration has brought forth:

An aid to prevent soil erosion. Eight natural springs hosted by the forest has come back. and are flowing on the rate of 20 liters (5.3 gallons) every minute. They still flow even in times of drought. The return of over 172 species of bird, 6 of these species are already in danger of extinction. The return of over 33 species of mammals, 2 of these species are already in danger of extinction. The restoration of 2293 species of plants15 reptiles and 15 amphibian species has also returned

The Instituto Terra

A non-profit organization, with no religious or political affiliations that aims to restore the subtropical rain forest. This project was spearheaded by Sebastiao Salgado and his wife Lelia Deluiz Wanick Salgado. Their dream to restore and rebuild the damaged forest of Brazil gave birth to the organization “Instituto Terra.”

If you’ll visit their website at, you will see the current and completed projects, their ecosystem restoration, their production of seedlings, and many more. On their website you can also participate by donating through your Paypal account. All proceedings and donations will be for the enhancement of the forests and protection of the species. Also, if you’ll visit their website, you can see an icon there which says “e-Store” and if you’ll click that, you will be directed to their online store where you can buy shirts, art crafts, stuff toys and etc.


Sebastião Salgado and his wife Lélia Deluiz Wanick Salgado

Source: Image from Sebastiao Salgado Photography via Facebook


Unknowingly, we lose thousands and thousands of hectares of land forest each year due to intense wildfires and illegal cutting of trees. But thankfully, there are still some modern heroes out there who are willing to do their best to restore what has been destroyed. The Salgados’ effort to restore the Brazilian forest through Instituto Terra, has become an eye-opener and has awakened environmental awareness to a lot of people. Through this, they have led by example to show the need to conserve and restore our forests.

Side by Side Comparison

Before and After Picture

Source: Image from Sebastiao Salgado Photography via Facebook

Source: Video from Something Special via YouTube

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