Dogs Love The UPS Drivers


Luckily we’re not alone when it comes to people who love dogs and animals as much as we do! Dogs are wonderful animals who are happy to see you no matter what and they deliver so much joy and love into our lives. Working a long hard day can be rough for so many and just having a little bit of joy can really change your whole day around. That’s where these wonderful animals come in to play and help achieve kindness just by paying a visit to these hard workers.

How Did It start?

A UPS driver named Sean McCarren helped start a whole chain of positivity and helped to bring a group of hard workers together and share the joy they got to experience with each furry friend, He did this by creating a Facebook Page where all UPS drivers had the option to upload and share their unique experiences they had with dogs. Along with many other animals such as deer, cats, and even a raccoon. This brilliant idea helped to spark so many different people and come together as one, with a common event in place, which was so inspiring to see. When it comes to delivering packages each driver can uniquely have their own story and emotion with the dogs and animals they get to encounter. Which in return provides so much inspiration. The idea to create a Facebook page is so brilliant because sometimes in your job you don’t get out there as much and this helps to build people up and be more open with themselves and others.

UPS Chihuahua
Pretty Chihuahua

One Person Started All

Dogs and animals are very great stress relievers and are a great way to help lower your stress and allow you to focus on something other than the job at hand, or even a hardship you may be going through. These animals look just as happy as the humans going to visit them which makes it all the more special to everyone involved. As more and more photos were shared, the more popular the Facebook page became. What started out as one person just sharing his own photos, turned into thousands of other UPS drivers sharing similar awesome pictures. The page continues to grow today and keeps building.

Jack Russell Ready To Pick Up His Package
Jack Russell Ready To Pick Up His Package

What a Cool Idea!


I mean who wouldn’t want their adorable pup in a picture with a UPS driver. “It was crazy,” Sean said. “I just thought it was a cool idea. I didn’t think that it was going to hit as hard as it did.” And frankly, I think Sean deserved to have so much positivity going his way. This is because sometimes that’s what this world really needs.

UPS Driver With a Big Dog
“Bye Mom, I’m going With The UPS Driver”

Feel Good Feeling!

Positivity is the best way keep the world going and help one another out. McCarren had been in the air force for eight years then attended Shepard University to teach elementary education. When the opportunity arose to be a UPS driver he arose to the occasion and left during his third year of college. He went on to say that “There’s no negatives, there’s no politics it’s just feel-good photos that are fun to see pop up on your feed.”

UPS Driver With Big Dog
Good Boy!

Who is Helping Sean With His Facebook Page?

Sean is not the only one who runs the account by himself. He gets help from Donna Whitaker, who also drives for UPS in Hagerstown UPS center. An interesting fact is that both of them plan out when they will post more photos, due to their busy schedules. The Facebook page isn’t associated with UPS but word did go around about the Facebook page. The company was very happy that the page shows the fun side of the job. The posts and the page help to create an even stronger bond with both the customer and the UPS driver, thus helping UPS grow along with growing as a community.

Rottweiler Puppy With UPS Driver
“I’m Not Sure About This”

The Facebook Page Blew Up With Fans!

McCarren is very grateful to everyone sharing his posts and wants to someday create products for others who appreciate the work, and love for UPS Dogs. He then wants to hopefully focus on creating a charity. McCarren would love the opportunity to sell types of apparel and to use those earnings to give back to shelters and give back to the community. Currently, one million six hundred ninety-nine, eight hundred and sixty-two people like the UPS Dogs profile page and it still continues to grow currently. My hopes is that all these people will continue to change lives and make this world a better place. They have already done an amazing job so far.

“Nice Puppy Can I Take Him Home!”

Grey Puppy Dog With UPS Driver
He Loves Neck Scratches!

He Looks Camera Shy!

Shy Dog With UPS Driver
“If You Don’t Get Me Out Of This Brow Truck I Think I Will Bite You”

Dogs Really Loves UPS Driver

Source: Images from UPS Dogs via Facebook

Source: Video from Compilation Station via YouTube



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