Seattle’s Celebrity Dog


An adorable black furred Labrador, fittingly named Eclipse, rides the bus to a nearby park she enjoys all by herself. The self-sufficient dog has become somewhat of a celebrity, bus drivers even reporting that people hop on the buses simply to snap a photo with her. Local riders of the D line bus in Seattle often mention how much joy Eclipse brings to their daily commutes, pondering over how people couldn’t love her adorable and hilariously smug face. Despite many law officials stating that it would be safer if the dog were on a leash to not risk an incident, it is fully compliant with the law as-long as the bus drivers are okay with it, and you can bet they are! Eclipse hops on with a bus pass attached to her collar, and hops off a few stops later leaving a full packed bus of smiling and laughing faces

Dog Walking On The Sidewalk

Source: Image from

How It All Began

You may now be wondering how on earth Eclipse can actually complete this activity that many humans struggle with without the use of an online app. It all began when the head turning Labrador was waiting at the bus stop with her owner and companion Jeff Young. Jeff was taking too much time to finish his cigarette, so in light of this Eclipse took the initiative to just hop on the bus herself, leaving her owner behind. Jeff caught the later bus, quite certain that Eclipse would be able to handle the situation, and he was correct! Since then, all the bus drivers know Eclipse and take it in their daily routine to welcome the cute pooch on-board, because now Jeff has started doing this quite a bit. Since he found out that Eclipse can certainly be trusted to head to the doggy park herself, he is able to get a sleep in and meet her down their later, giving him his rest and Eclipse all the play she wants. Before her owner gets there, many people have reported to even seeing Eclipse running around and making new best friends, with humans and dogs!

Dog Laying On The Grass

Source: Image from

Social Media Fame

Eclipse is the adorable dog that could. Online, she has gone viral for her unique, adorable and quite frankly hilarious traits that aren’t typical to your everyday doggy. A certain post on Facebook, which has managed to accumulate around 290,000 shares, has Jeff the owner of Eclipse talking about how he trusted to let her go off for that first time because ‘she knew that trip like the back of her paw’. He knew this because they had completed the trip to the doggy park over hundreds of times, and Eclipse always stared out the window, eager to know how long until they had arrived. On top of all this, she would just about drag Jeff to the door of the bus and would sprint herself over to what appears to be her favorite place on the planet. Clearly, Jeff made a good decision that day to trust her, and who knows what this fun-loving genius could achieve next!

Dog Licking His Face

Source: Image from

Kind Members of Public

As mentioned, the police are fine with Eclipse hopping on the bus because it is legal for pets to be on there, as long as the bus driver approves of it, which they always do because of Eclipses low maintenance personality. They even often go out of their way to pull over to the doggy park if they know Eclipse is on board because sometimes she has a bit of trouble reaching the stop button! The Seattle citizens who catch the D line bus also make sure that Eclipse is well looked after, giving as many belly rubs, head scratches and often even doggy treats to her hearts content. Each bus driver who is chosen to drive this route also has a clear understanding of what is going on, and they even occasionally might take a quick break to pat the adorable doggy of whom it is clear the city cares so much for. Evidently, Eclipse is the soul-warming dog that the whole world needs to hear about, because her attentive, adorable and respecting attitude could be a metaphor for how each and every one of us should live.

Eclipse Getting on the Bus

Dog Getting On The Bus

Source: Images from Robbie Lauren via Facebook

Eclipse Enjoying the Bus Ride

Dog Riding The Bus

Source: Images from Robbie Lauren via Facebook



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