Man With Baking Soda Box

We all know baking soda as an awesome raising agent for baking. It does its job perfectly. What about outside the kitchen? Does it do anything else worth celebrating? Of course, it does.

Health professionals will tell you that this amazing white powder can reduce your visits to them. Many popular celebrity doctors talk about it making people start searching online to find out if baking soda bad or good for many things. Although you may find this funny and unrealistic, it is true. This miraculous white powder has a wide range of benefits both outside and inside the body. It contributes a lot to your health.

Now, what are the exact benefits of this amazing and inexpensive powder?


Keep reading…

List of The Baking Soda Benefits

Here is a list of some health benefits you can obtain.

Note that these are just a tip of the iceberg.

Promotes Healing Of Canker Sores

Canker sores are small ulcers that form inside the mouth. Although non-contagious, they can be very painful. Baking soda is a perfect remedy for soothing the sores.

Research has proved that gargling baking soda solution once per day causes the sores to heal within a few days. You can make a baking soda mouthwash by mixing two teaspoons with a cup of warm water.

Source: Image from 29320962@N07 via Flickr

Whitens Teeth

Generally, we can say baking soda is an awesome friend for oral hygiene. Studies have shown that toothpastes with baking soda whiten teeth better. Being an abrasive powder, that breaks bonds of the stains formed on the teeth.

Also, it has antibacterial characteristics that help in fighting plague and unwanted bacteria in the mouth. Your dentist can confirm this.

Female Smiling White Teeth

Relieves Itchy Skin And Erythema

Erythema is the reddening of the skin from bites or injuries. Sometimes, sunburns may cause an itchy skin, which may in turn cause Erythema.

If most of your body parts are affected, mix baking soda with warm water in your bathtub and soak inside. Several minutes of soaking should relieve the pain and soothe your skin. For specific parts, you can apply a baking soda paste for about 20 minutes and wash it off. You’ll notice significant results.

Female Leg Scratching

It Is A Perfect Deodorant

Did you know that you actually don’t need to spend money on deodorants? Well, this is a money-saver. Being a weak base, it neutralizes the uric acid found in your sweat. Uric acid is a weak acid and hence the two can combat each other head-on.

This property makes baking soda an excellent deodorant. For superb results, mix with cornstarch, and add some essential oil of your choice to make a deodorant.

Deodorant Test
Source: Image from ninian_reid via Flickr

Treats Heartburn

Heartburn is a burning sensation in your food pipe caused by the reflux of hydrochloric acid from the stomach into the pipe. Eating some types of foods can cause heartburn. Overeating is another cause. Sometimes, heartburn can be a bit severe to the extent that you feel a burning sensation up to your throat.

Baking soda is a weak base that can neutralize the weak hydrochloric acid and stop the burning. Mix a teaspoon of the powder in a cup of cold water and sip slowly.

Man Holding Belly Heartburn

Gets Rid Of Bad Smell

Has anything ever rotten inside your fridge? If yes then you can attest that getting rid of the foul smell from the fridge isn’t a walk in the park. Cleaning it may remove stains and leave your fridge sparkling clean. But the smell will still be there.

This is where the powder comes in handy. It attacks the smell and removes it completely. Unlike other surface cleaners that just mask the odor, baking soda eliminates it. Simply place a cup filled with the white powder inside the fridge and let it do its job.

Female Pinching Her Nose
Source: Image from aquamech-utah via Flickr

It’s a cleaning agent

See those dirty stains on the surfaces of your kitchen? Baking soda can clean them up. It has bleaching properties that enable it to penetrate dirt and neutralize it.

Kitchen Sponge
Source: Image from jarmoluk-143740 via Pixabay

It also removes bad odor and this makes it a fantastic cleaning agent. A thick paste of baking soda and an abrasive kitchen scrubber can turn your kitchen into a small heaven.

Removes Dark Spots From The Skin

With its bleaching properties, this amazing white powder can fade all dark spots and blemishes from the skin. Sunburns can also disappear with several applications of a baking soda paste. To protect your skin from possible harshness, mix baking soda, and an essential oil of your preference and make a face mask. Over to You

This magical white powder has many more amazing benefits, both in your body and around your home. Having it in stock can save you lots of trouble. Remember to always mix it with essential oils in case you want to apply it on sensitive skin.

Female Hands Applying Cream
Source: Image from @linda-prebreza-87411 via Pexels

Watch Below The Danger of Using Baking Soda by Dr. Berg

Source: Video from Dr. Eric Berg DC via YouTube

Source: Feature Image from jamieotterbein via Flickr



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